Budget your money and Save More!

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Budget with ease

Track Expenses

Input expenses immediatly as you spend.

Expense Envelopes

Set the expected spend on categories like 'Groceries' before the month starts.


See where your money is going

upsave screenshot

Saving Goals

Track yiour saving goals and reach them faster.

Save with Friends

Invite friends to join your saving goal and save together.

Divide and Conquer

Use subGoals to divide your saving goals into achievable goals.

Your Data

Protecting your data is important for us. We use security features like encryption & Pin Lock to keep your data safe. All your data can be deleted at any time by deleting your account.


How it Works

Budget to Zero each month

The technique is called zero-based budgeting. Each Month all income must be allocated to savings and expenses to know exactly where your money is going.

More Info

Input Monthly Income.

Budget for expenses you know you have like groceries & Loan repayments.

Input daily expenses as you go along.

Put the remaining money on your saving goals.

Have a question?

Your data is transfered using modern encrypted communication. Sensitvie parts of your data (like saving goal & transaction names) are kept encrypted so that not even our engineers can see them.

Make sure to use a secure password and update it often. If you think your facebook or apple account has been hacked contact support immediatly.

Not all months are equal. Some months you spend more, some less. Zero-based budgeting allows you to make a budget that works for each unique month.

Start Budgeting Now!

Simple, Seamless, Fun.

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